Background and Objectives: The reconstruction of the traumatic hand with substance loss, involves a reconstruction with surgical procedures, which provide an adequate covering of skin and soft tissues with the use of fascio cutaneous Flaps. In the present case, the use of Mc Gregor's Inguinal Flap is a technique that allows to achieve significant results to restore the functionality of the affected area, when performing an immediate and timely maintenance treatment, the subsequent sequelae are significantly reduced. Speaking of history Mc Gregor and Jackson in 1972 described the inguinal flap, vascularized by the superficial iliac circumflex artery branch of the femoral artery, being the only one consecrated by the use (not only used as a pedicle flap, but also as a free flap) for coverage of head, neck, trunk and limb conditions, allowing an acceptable functional and aesthetic result. Present work reports the case of a 6 years and 7 months old male patient, with history of left hand trauma due to dynamite explosion, with substance loss and traumatic amputation of the 1st. and 2nd. Fingers.
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Fuente fotográfica: Dra. Jessika Fernández Niño de Guzmán, paciente masculino de 6 años de edad, Hospital del Niño Dr. Ovidio Aliaga Uría La Paz.
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